Saturday, July 28, 2007

Hayden's first bike!

Hayden zips around the house like crazy! He loves his new bike! Mommy and daddy are teaching him how to steer, move the peddles, and stop. At night before he goes to bed, he walks by the bike and puts his had on the seat. Goodnight bike.

The Hulls in Aspen, CO

This is one of Jamison's favorite places in the world. He spent many years as a ski instructor by day and a bartender by night in this amazing place. One of his favorite mountains in Aspen, CO is Mt. Hayden. You guessed it! That is what our son Hayden is named after. This is not the first time Hayden has been on top of Aspen Mountain, but it is one of the first pictures we have taken with Hayden in the front of Mt. Hayden. It is located behind him, in the distance. This is Averie's first trip. We are counting the days to get the kids on skis, they will have fun on these hills.